Sunday, January 16, 2011

A visit to the new Children's Hospital...

So we are starting off the New Year with some fun outings. Graham got to be among the first patients at the new Helen DeVos Children's Hospital last week Wednesday night. After dinner, we were all just cleaning up and Noah had to go potty....well he went into the bathroom and little bro was following him and he slammed the door and Graham's pinkie happened to be at just the right spot to get the top of it chopped off!! After the initial shock and scare of what we saw, we figured out that we needed to get some ice on it, pressure, and elevate his little hand above his head. We called my mom over right away and whisked little G off to the ER. Once we were there, I think the nurses/police who greeted us thought I was the one that needed treatment just because I was a complete wreck. I have three kids already and this is our first experience like this! But, he got in and they ended up calling in a pediatric plastic surgeon who specializes in hands to sew his little pinkie back on. I'm glad I have an OK stomach to see these things. I mean, his bone was a stickin out! Once we got home, things got WAY better.
You would think that he broke his arm with the bandage he has on, but hey...better be sure it isn't going to fall off him! He has had to be on some pain meds for a few days which helps him rest and seems to help his mood as well. You can tell when the meds wear off because he cries and clings and whines a lot! But who would blame him?
We are going to see the plastic sergeon that worked on him in the hospital at his doctor's office this week to take the bandage off to see if the surgery was successful. We keep praying that it was so there won't be any further surgeries needed on our poor little man!
We appreciate all the prayers and concerns for Graham and know that he, and we are loved. As you can see in the photos, he doesn't really seem all that concerned. He got to enjoy being outside on Saturday for a little while with the whole family. And yes, those are plastic bags on his feet. We don't have winter boots for the kid ;) Maybe I'll find some on clearance soon!
Oh, and we have to put a tube sock over his hand/arm whenever he eats so he doesn't get the bandage dirty. He doesn't even care when it's on. He even leaves the bandage alone and doesn't try to yank it off!

1 comment:

Amber Liddle said...

Poor kid. When does he get the bandage off? When do you know if the finger grew back together?