Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1st days of school and more!

Riley's first day of 1st grade! She was excited to have recess and lunch at school now!

One beautiful Sunday afternoon we went to Grand River Park for a nice hike. I set up the timer on this family pic. We don't get too many of these!

This past weekend when it was rainy, I made the kids a tent in the boys' room. They enjoyed playing in that for quite a while! Gotta love tents!

On another beautiful Sunday afternoon we went to Holland State Park to walk the pier and see some boats. Summer is definately coming to an end! What a nice day though.

This time someone offered to take a family pic! How nice:)

The kids had fun getting their feet wet. They said the water was cold, but that didn't stop the fun! I even got a shot of Noah mid-air!!

Graham was playing in the sand by the swings. At first he was not sure about getting dirty, but very soon he was crawling all around in it having a great time!

This is Noah's first day of 4 yr old preschool. He couldn't wait to start school and be like his sister, Riley. He loves school and already made a "girl"friend named, Tessa. I think he'll be a smooth dude with the ladies someday....just don't be too smooth, Noah! :)

Even Graham sat at a table and had fun. I think he would have liked staying with Noah in school. He was screaming mad when we had to pick him up and leave. I think that is a good sign!

See, he's loving this....and daddy too!

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