Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soccer and Klackels Orchard

Noah joined AYSO soccer this fall and has been loving it. Brandon is his coach and I think he likes it as much as his little boy! What a great opportunity for them to bond.

This is a little jail at Klackel's Orchard in Greenville. There was so much to do there. We had a lot of fun, but the weather was a bit chilly. We had donuts, went on a tractor ride to pick our own apples, train rides, bouncy houses, many things we couldn't even get to it all! We did come home with some nice looking pumpkins too. I just hope they will stay good until Halloween so we can carve them!

Doesn't he look like a little outlaw!!

Another scary looking outlaw!

The train ride that Graham absolutely LOVED! I was hesitant on putting him on there, but there was a seat belt that fastened pretty snug.

These are the bike things that everyone got a chance to ride.

Noah enjoying his caramel apple flavored donut. YUMMY!

A nice family pic taken on our ride to get apples. I think Graham is getting ready to go home though.

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